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Updated on March 29th 2024, 4:42:13 am

European Championships 2024: Are they likely to pick up much interest from American soccer fans

European Championships 2024: Are they likely to pick up much interest from American soccer fans

In this article, we will look at the possibility of the European Championship 2024 attracting much attention in America.

Soccer, or as some countries refer to it, "football," has been a popular sport for generations. In European countries, soccer(football) holds the same status as basketball in America. It invokes strong reactions on the European continent, huge crowds, and the typical bickering about the better team. However, while soccer is one of the most popular sports worldwide, this popularity has not been translated into America. Leagues such as MLS exist, and access to games in the UEFA or FIFA are widely available, but this has not gained much traction. However, soccer has been trying to achieve a fanbase similar to that in Europe, and there is hope the European Championship 2024 will help grow that American fanbase.

Below, we will look at the possibility of the European Championship 2024 attracting much attention in America.

Why is soccer not popular in America?

Some of the reasons as to why soccer is not popular in America include the following.

  1. Culture—As mentioned earlier, soccer is not an American homegrown sport. Its development occurred overseas and has distinguished itself as a European sport.

  2. There are too many other options—Americans have basketball, American football, baseball, hockey, etc. People find their attention drawn to these sports instead of soccer. Also, in some countries, just as soccer has not caught on in America, baseball and American football have not caught on in these countries. In some countries, soccer is the only sport people have to look forward to.

  3. There is not much success from American teams - While America participates in some of the major soccer leagues across the world, and the women's national team has gained global recognition, there is not much success in soccer leagues in which Americans participate. While in something like the Olympics, there is the expectation that the American basketball team will win gold, there is no such demand on soccer teams because they have not shown any success on the field to garner this expectation.

These reasons, among others, have contributed to soccer's minor relevance in America.

Will the European Championship 2024 bring in more American attention?

Ticket sales have commenced for the European Championship 2024, which will take place in Germany. Over time, the UEFA has been delivering information on ticket sales, including how many are available and which countries' populations have shown the greatest interest in acquiring these tickets. This gives a peek into demand.

While Europeans top the chart for the number of people registering to access these allusive tickets, what has come as a shock is that the first non-European country to make the chart is the United States. The number of people seeking a ticket to this event in the U.S. is small compared to those from European countries. However, other areas, like South America, have a vibrant soccer fan base. For America to be the first non-European country regarding ticket demand is a new reality.

This increased ticket demand could mean that soccer is gaining traction in America. In recent years, the MLS has brought in world-renowned players such as David Beckham and Lionel Messi, who could be helping people see the joy in soccer. Having more high-profile players do the things that brought them to prominence gives Americans an insight into what makes soccer popular in other countries. The European Championship may allow them to explore more and see what soccer truly offers.

Who are the favorites going into the European Championship 2024?

This year will be the 17th European Championship, and like any league rivalry, dominant teams have developed. It is a moment for the team to shine their best, and this year is no different. While Italy was the last game's champion, they are not the favorites in this championship. This honor lies with France and England, who tied for first regarding the odds of winning the championship, and Germany, the host country, rounding out the top three. However, Italy still has a solid chance of being a champion since they have proven to do so in the past, and this experience is a huge factor.

As a result, there's the potential for betting to bring in some extra viewers who otherwise wouldn't have an interest in the sport, similar to how March Madness appeals to non-basketball fans too. It's also easier than ever too as you can bet here on these awesome sports betting apps available for us players.

In this tournament, some players to look out for include Portugal's Christian Ronaldo, Frances Kylian Mbappe, England's rising star Jude Bellingham, and stars from the premier league like Kevin De Bruyne and Virgil Van Dijk. These players will significantly impact their team's path in this year's championship.


Breaking into a market is never easy for a business or a sports league. Some sports leagues or businesses may need to accept that they may be unable to enter a particular market. However, soccer has not given up on gaining a foothold in America, and its efforts may seem to be paying off. Europe and America have a bond going back centuries, so many things in Europe translate well into America and vice versa. For a long time, this was not the case with soccer only managing a small fan base, but if ticket sales are any indication, this fan base may be growing and may be ready to spread its wings in the European Championship 2024. This increased ticket sales finally created a golden opportunity for soccer to build that foothold in the American market.